Professor of Language
University of Gothenburg

Professor of Language 

Reference number PAR 2024/46

The University of Gothenburg tackles society’s challenges with diverse knowledge. 56 000 students and 6 600 employees make the university a large and inspiring place to work and study. Strong research and attractive study programmes attract researchers and students from around the world. With new knowledge and new perspectives, the University contributes to a better future.

The Department of Swedish, Multilingualism, and Language Technology at the University of Gothenburg hereby announces a position as a professor in multilingualism. The primary task of the professor is to lead and develop the department’s research, education, and collaboration within the subject.

Research Environment:
The department has a broad and active research environment with several research and development projects involving national, Nordic, and international collaborations.Multilingualism and Swedish as a second language are among the five profile areas at the institution. Current research within the profile area includes projects related to multilingualism, subject didactics, literacy, and vocabulary and grammar learning. Important societal issues in the field include the l earning of newly arrived individuals and the role of multilingualism in social processes such as integration and segregation. Some of the research within the profile area is linked to projects funded by Skolverket (the Swedish National Agency for Education) and external assignments related to development work in educational environments increasingly characterized by multilingualism and diversity. The professor is expected to lead and organize a diverse and inclusive research environment.

The department provides teaching in multilingualism and Swedish as a second language at undergraduate, advanced, and doctoral level, as well as within the teacher training program. Basic education in the subject has been offered since the 1980s, and doctoral education has been available since the early 2000s. Didactic perspectives on Swedish as a second language as well as aspects of multilingualism and diversity in society and school are of particular importance. The department also has assignments for the Swedish National Agency for Education and in competence development for teachers of Swedish as a second language. Key educational topics at all levels include second language acquisition, second language development, and second language instruction. The professor is also responsible for further developing doctoral education in the field of multilingualism and is also expected to engage in other levels of teaching.

In the fields of multilingualism and Swedish as a second language, there are good conditions for collaboration between the university and the surrounding society, especially schools. The professor is expected to be active in public debate on issues of multilingualism, identity, and diversity, as well as to address language and educational policy issues related to multilingualism.


Subject area 



Subject area description 

At the Department of Swedish, Multilingualism, and Language Technology, research and teaching in multilingualism and Swedish as a second language are conducted. We do research on many aspects of multilingualism, including language didactics (with studies of classroom interaction, writing, and textbooks), language learning (with analysis of lexicon, phraseology, and grammar), and sociolinguistics (focused on language attitudes, language policy, and linguistic landscapes).

The range of courses in the subject Swedish as a second language is extensive, and we offer education basic, advanced, and doctoral level. The courses cover a wide range of areas, such as migration processes, interaction, language structure at different levels, critical text analysis, multilingual didactics, and teaching methodology. We are responsible for teacher training and teaching practice in the subject Swedish as a second language and we also participate in primary school teacher training. Finally, we conduct a large amount of contract educational training in collaboration with both internal and external partners, e.g. in the form of courses in Swedish within supplementary vocational education, and continuing education courses for teachers commissioned by the Swedish National Agency for Education. The commissioned educational activity also includes courses for GU employees and provision of the Tisus test. Part of our course offerings are evening classes and also includes remote teaching. Commissioned competence development courses can take place with the client, on site in the region.



A significant part of the duties of a professor is to initiate and lead development and research. Therefore, the professor is expected, in addition to conducting their own research, to be able to assume a leadership role for ongoing and future research in the field. The position includes supervising doctoral students and graduate students, as well as teaching at all levels, both on campus and remotely. The professor is expected to represent the university in subject-related research and development networks, and the position also includes some administration. Furthermore, the professor is expected to establish and develop contacts and collaborations both within and outside the University of Gothenburg / the organization. Management assignments may be included in the position. The professor is expected to be an active participant in the department and in the research environment. Hence, there is an expectation of on site presence at least 60 % of the time.



Qualifications for employment as a teacher are specified in Chapter 4, Sections 3–4 of the Higher Education Ordinance, as well as the University of Gothenburg’s employment order. Qualification requirements for employment as a professor are fulfilled by someone who has demonstrated both research and teaching expertise.


Assessment criteria 

When appointing a professor, equal importance is attached to both scientific and pedagogical skills. Regarding scientific skills, special emphasis is placed on recent years’ research. Particular emphasis is also placed on the ability to initiate and lead research projects and research groups, as well as successful supervision of doctoral students. International publications (including accepted or submitted manuscripts) and documented ability to obtain external research funding are particularly valued. The applicant should be well-established in the field of multilingualism, for example through stays as a visiting researcher, editorship of scientific journals, or participation in scientific investigations.

In terms of pedagogical skills, importance is placed on solid experience in planning, implementation, and evaluation of teaching efforts, as well as the development of courses, programs, and educational offerings. Additionally, the applicant should have experience in supervision and examination, especially at advanced, and research level.

Since the holder of the professorship is expected to develop and strengthen the institution’s research within the field of multilingualism, appropriate leadership qualities are required. Documented experience in leading and developing research environments and/or doctoral education is meritorious. Administrative competence and experience are also considered merits, as well as experience in collaboration with the surrounding society. If the applicant does not already master Swedish (Danish or Norwegian), they are expected to learn the language within two years to be able to teach and supervise in Swedish and participate in other activities at the department.

The applicants’ ability to collaborate internally and externally to perform the described duties and responsibilities will be taken into account when assessing suitability for the position. This assessment is done through expert review, interviews, trial lectures, and reference checks.



Type of employment: Permanent employment
Extent: 100 %
Location: Department of Swedish, multilingualism, language technology, University of Gothenburg
First day of employment: By agreement


Contact information 

If you have any questions about the position, please contact:

Karin Helgesson, prefekt



Union representatives at the University of Gothenburg can be found here: 




Submit your application via the University of Gothenburg’s recruitment portal by clicking the “Apply” button. It is your responsibility to ensure that the application is complete as per the vacancy notice, and that the University receives it by the final application deadline.  

Publications that cannot be attached to the application in digital format should be sent to Göteborgs universitet, Institutionen för svenska, flerspråkighet och språkteknologi, Att: Jong Ho, Box 200, 405 30 Göteborg. Indicate on the package/letter the file number of the current position.

The application must be written according to the Faculty of Humanities' instructions. You can find these instructions here: HFS-styrdokument-anvisningar professor ansökan-2017-en.pdf (


Applications must be received by: 2024-09-02



The University works actively to achieve a working environment with equal conditions, and values the qualities that diversity brings to its operations.

Salaries are set individually at the University.

In accordance with the National Archives of Sweden’s regulations, the University must archive application documents for two years after the appointment is filled. If you request that your documents are returned, they will be returned to you once the two years have passed. Otherwise, they will be destroyed.

In connection to this recruitment, we have already decided which recruitment channels we should use. We therefore decline further contact with vendors, recruitment and staffing companies.

If you apply for this position please say you saw it on Educaloxy


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